Market Bag and Pouch. DIY Tutorial Pattern

Market Bag and Pouch
This project is suitable for all sewing levels. The large Market Bag easily folds into the carrying pouch—how convenient. Keep the Market Bag with you at all times for those fun shopping trips.

12" wide x 16 1/2" high x 4 1/2" deep

Amounts are based on 42"-wide fabric.
1 yard for bag exterior (optional: 2 fabrics pieced together for the front) 1/4 yard for pocket or individual pouch
1 1/4 yards for lining
3/4" (18mm) magnetic snap (optional)
5" of narrow elastic for button closure
2 buttons, 1" diameter

You can follow the instructions for the pocket to make an individual pouch.

- A  3/8" seam allowance is included on the pattern.
- Backstitch at the beginning and end of each seam.

Transfer all points and reference marks to the fabric. Cut out the exterior, pocket, and lining. Use the Market Bag Front and Back, Pocket Front and Back, and Pocket Flap pattern.
Draw the pattern directly onto the wrong side of a single layer of fabric. Transfer all points and reference marks to the fabric. Cut out the exterior, lining, and interfacing.

- 2 Front and Back pieces
- 2 Pocket Front and Back pieces
- 1 Pocket Flap piece Lining
- 2 Front and Back pieces
- 2 Pocket Front and Back pieces
- 1 Pocket Flap piece

Sewing the Exterior and Lining

1. Place the front and back pieces with right sides together, pin both sides, and stitch. Pin the bottom and stitch together, FIGURE A

Market Bag and Pouch

2. Match the side and bottom seams with right sides together. Pin in place and stitch. Repeat this process for the other side, FIGURE В

3. Attach the magnetic snap onto the lining pieces 2" down from the top and centered.  FIGURE С

Market Bag and Pouch

4. Sew the lining pieces together like Steps 1 and 2 above. Leave a 6" opening for turning.

Assembling the Exterior and Lining

1. Turn the exterior right side out and tuck it into the lining with right sides together, FIGURE D

2. Pin the exterior and lining pieces together at the curved seam from the top of a handle to the top of the other handle. Sew, leaving the top 2" of the handles unsewn. Then pin each of the remaining curves and sew in the same manner, FIGURE E

Market Bag and Pouch

3. Clip the inside corner seam allowances and trim the corner seams, FIGURE F

4. Turn the bag right side out through the bottom opening. Sew the opening closed.

Constructing the Handle

1. Tuck the lining into the exterior. Place the exterior handles with right sides together. Pin and sew together along the short edges. Press the seam open. Repeat this process for the lining, FIGURE G

Market Bag and Pouch

2. Tuck in the raw edges of the seam allowances on both sides of the straps and press, FIGURE H

Market Bag and Pouch

3. Pin or baste the strap opening. Topstitch 1/8'' away from the seam around the armhole of the bag. Topstitch the other armhole and the main opening of the bag. FIGURE I

Making the Pocket or Pouch

Making the Front and Back

1. Place the front and back pieces with right sides together. Sew around the exterior front and back. Clip the curves, FIGURE J

2. Repeat this process for the lining.

Making the Flap

1. Place the elastic loop onto the exterior flap, facing in, and baste in place, FIGURE К

2. Pin the exterior flap and lining flap with right sides facing. Stitch only the rounded seam, leaving a straight edge unstitched for turning. Clip the curved seam, FIGURE L

3. Turn the flap right side out. Press the flap; topstitch 1/4'' away from the curved seam only, FIGURE M

4. Place the flap onto the back of the pocket exterior with exterior sides facing, aligning the raw edge of the pocket and the flap. Pin and baste the flap to the pocket, FIGURE N

Market Bag and Pouch

Assembling the Pocket Exterior and Lining

1. Press the exterior and lining seams open. Put the exterior into the lining with right sides together, sandwiching the flap between the exterior and the lining, FIGURE О

Market Bag and Pouch

2. Pin the opening of the pocket. Sew along the opening of the pocket using a 3/8" seam allowance, leaving a 3" gap to turn it right side out. FIGURE P

Market Bag and Pouch

3. Trim the corner seams. Turn the pocket right side out. Iron the opening of the pocket. Tuck the lining into the exterior. Topstitch all around the opening of the pocket, FIGURE Q

Market Bag and Pouch

4. Turn the pocket inside out and sew the button to the lining front. Turn the pocket right side out and sew the optional second button to the front.
5. Attach the pocket onto the bag 4" down from the center top. Pin in place and stitch together at the top of the back, FIGURE R

Market Bag and Pouch

Folding the Bag

1. Fold the sides toward the center, beneath the pocket, FIGURE S

Market Bag and Pouch

2. Flip the bag on its back. Fold the handles and the bottom up toward the center, FIGURE T

Market Bag and Pouch

3. Turn the pocket inside out while inserting the bag into the pocket, FIGURE U

Market Bag and Pouch

4. Hook the elastic around the button, FIGURE V

Market Bag and Pouch

Market Bag and Pouch