Mary Poppins Overnighter

Mary Poppins Overnighter
I've never understood the appeal of the ubiqutous  brown and tan monogrammed luggage favoured by celebs. To me it  looks plasticky, cold, and even (hands over ears all compulsive uber-spenders)  more than a tad cheap. This luscious, squashy alternative uses a deep-pile furnishing fabric for "sink-in-and-never-want-to-climb-out-again" country-house sofa appeal. Using an unusual upholstery fabric also means you need never again risk drowning in confusion as a sea of identical luggage swirls about you in airport baggage reclaim.

Mary Poppins Overnighter


Iron the interfacing onto the wrong  side of all the  face fabric and lining pieces.
Transfer the markings from the template onto the wrong side of the interfaced face fаbгic and lining pieces. Cut out the pieces.

Mary Poppins Overnighter

Fold each piece of zip end fabric in half width ways. Baste the zip ends onto the right side of the zip tape, 30 cm apart and folded edges toward the zip (А). Press under the seam allowance along the zip edge of the zip panel pieces. Pin and baste these. placed centrally, onto the right side of the zip tape (B).


Pin and baste the right side of each up panel lining to the zip tape, aligning one long raw edge of the lining with each edge of the tape on the wrong side of the assembled zip panel (C). Press the lining to align with the face fabric.

Mary Poppins Overnighter


Pin, baste, and topstitch through all the layers-close to the zip. Begin and end the stitch line 1cm beyond the opening, securing the zip ends. Pin, baste, and stitch the remaining open seam of the face fabric at each end of the zip right sides facing. Stop 1.5cm from the top stitching, taking care not to catch the lining or zip ends. Slip Stitch the face fabric to the zip ends (D).
Pin, baste, and stitch the remaining open seam of lining. Slip Stitch in place as before, taking care the stitches do show on the right side. Press and then leave the zip open.

Mary Poppins Overnighter


Pin and baste the lining sides and base piece to each end of the zip panel, right sides facing and taking care not catch the face fabric. Pin the front piece to the new zip panel, matching the markings. Adjust and trim the lengch of the sides panels if necessary. Remove the front piece. Stitch the zip panel seams and press them open. Pin, baste, and stitch the lining front and back pieces to the new zip panel, matching the markings and leaving a 15cm opening along one bottom seam for turning. Press the seams open and clip into the seam allowance around the curves (E).


Position one length of plastic tubing centrally on the wrong side of each handle loop. Pin, baste, and topstitch in place (G).


Pin, baste, and stitch together the face fabric pieces to assemble them in the same way as the lining, but without leaving an opening for turning. Turn the bag right side out through the lining and slipstitch the opening closed. Secure the lining to the face fabric through the seam allowance with a few small hand stitches.
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